Community Midwifery Care

An important part of antenatal care is getting information that will help you to make informed choices about your pregnancy.

Letting us know about your pregnancy

As soon as you take a positive pregnancy test, please complete the online Maternity Self Referral Form

If you need help with the form you can call us on 01604 545430. Our phone line is open Monday – Friday 8.30am – 4pm (not on Bank Holidays). Or send your name and contact information to:

This is not an emergency service, if you need to speak to someone urgently with concerns about yourself or your baby please contact your GP or 111.

Midwife Services

Your midwife will meet with you in the Midwifery Hub or home and she will ask you questions about you and your family’s health and details of any previous pregnancy’s and births. She will advise you on how to keep well, and give you tips on how to reduce some of the symptoms such as sickness and talk with you about what you can expect from your care.

She will also discuss what will happen at the different appointments and offer to arrange a scan for you and some blood tests. Several antenatal screening tests are performed on a sample of your blood which is usually taken at your booking appointment. In some cases, the baby’s father may also be asked to have a blood test to check for inherited conditions, such as sickle cell or thalassaemia.